
Spirit Lights Over the Sleeping Giant

Informant: Male/25/Mixed Ancestry
Location: Wailua Houselots, Kauai

It was just before sunrise. The cool night air still lingered and a few bright stars struggled to maintain their presence in the fading night sky. I had just finished working the overnight shift and was on my way home. I looked up to admire the stars and noticed two bright, white lights above the head of the Sleeping Giant that didn't seem to belong. 

I pulled off to the side of the road to get a better view -- I wasn't sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me after being awake all night. The lights were still there, like two tiny moons, almost as bright as a full moon, but about half the size and no more than 100 feet above the mountain. One light glided slowly and steadily north toward its destination while the other followed, circling and bouncing around the steady light. The scene was reminiscent of a child eagerly wanting to venture off and explore, yet knows not to stray too far from the parent. They traveled from the head of the Sleeping Giant and out over the bypass until they hid behind the clouds over Kapa'a.